There are number of PTDC (Pakistan Tourism Development Corporation) hotels in Pakistan which provides luxurious kind of food and facilities for the tourist. PTDC Motels are in all provinces of Pakistan including Gilgit-Baltistan.
Here is the list of the motels. To know the location and contact detail just click on the titles given.
PTDC Balakot KPK
PTDC Bahawalpur Punjab
PTDC Bamburet Kalash Chitral KPK
PTDC Booni Chitral KPK
PTDC Barseen on KKH KPK
PTDC Main Bazar Chitral KPK
PTDC Gilgit Gilgit-Baltistan
PTDC Gupis Gilgit-Baltistan
PTDC Kalam Swat KPK
PTDC Saidu Sharif Swat KPK
PTDC Miandam Swat KPK
PTDC Rama Lake Gilgit-Baltistan
PTDC Sost Gilgit-Baltistan
PTDC Ziarat Balochistan
PTDC Phandar Gilgit-Baltisan